Nicotiana flowering tobacco looks timeless in the garden, adding height and airy lightness to any sunny spot. Water during hot, dry spells. Deadhead frequently to keep plants looking neat and to prolong flowering. Stake in windy exposures. Aphids can be blasted off plants with a shot from the hose. Sow on the surface of the soil, and do not cover. Thin to 45-60cm (18-24″) apart. It is easy to grow Nicotiana seeds.

Nicotiana alata


Season & Zone
Exposure: Full sun to partial sun – prefers a warm spot

Sow indoors 6-8 weeks before last frost, or direct sow outdoors any time after the risk of frost has passed. Transplant after last frost.

Sprinkle seeds on the surface of the soil, and keep moist until germination in 10-20 days.

Water during hot, dry spells. Deadhead regularly to maintain a neat appearance and encourage further blooming. Stake in windy, exposed gardens. Remove any growth that comes under attack by aphids, or dislodge them with a blast from the hose.

Avoid handling tomato or pepper plants after handling Nicotiana, as it can harbour tobacco mosaic virus. Do not share gardening tools between these plants either.