We are a non-profit, community-supported work program for adults with intellectual disabilities. L'Arche Tahoma Hope itself began over 46 years ago. We provide meaningful work in an atmosphere of dignity and respect.

We have 16 core members who are the center of our greater L'Arche Tahoma Hope community. Five core members work directly at L'Arche Farm and Gardens along with our other farmers, several volunteers, and hundreds of young people volunteer in visiting school groups. In 2023, we sold a total of 31 community-supported agriculture shares, including our full shares, short term shares, and our flower shares. We also sell farm products to numerous supporters at the local farmer's market and directly from our greenhouse from April to December.

We hope to contribute to sustainable food sources while connecting people of all abilities to the land with its incredible natural bounty. We are "Growing People, Growing Plants."

Our mission is to build positive relationships using agriculture, while fostering a spirit of sustainable caring for land and people. Because of our efforts, people get to experience connection with one another while growing food and flowers.

We also keep chickens and bees! People can find L'Honey and other bee-related products for sale in our greenhouse and at the Proctor Farmers' Market in Tacoma.

Follow us on our website, Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube. Check out our year in review email campaign here.